Sea Turtle Facts
Did you know that sea turtles can not retract back into their shells?

The evolution of change, the body now of a sea turtle mimics the exoskeleton of a spider. Since they can not duck back in the shells the are more vulnerable to predators and unfortunately entangled in marine trash.
The sex of sea turtles, depends on the temperature in the nest.
The temperature of sea turtles nest are generally around 82 degrees F, but can vary by location. Our warming climate is producing more female than males. This is also one reason for extinction of our sea turtles.

How you can help the sea turtles
Be a responsible person and pick up after yourself . Sea turtles often drown when caught in fishing gear. Development along the coast can destroy important nesting sites. Construction impacts coral reefs, and artificial light from houses and other buildings that attracts hatchlings away from the ocean. Pollution like plastic bags are often mistaken for food such as jellyfish and ingested. Ingested plastic bags and other trash can block their intestines and potentially kills them.

Rising temperatures, the beach and sea turtles go hand in hand during the summer. Our stainless steel tumblers keep your drinks cold and our tumblers can personalized with your name.